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Connor Sutherland

How to Achieve Your Best Year Yet: Set Clear Goals and Crush Them

As we wrap up another year and stand on the brink of a new one, it's the perfect time to pause and reflect.

It's not about a year-end inventory of stock in the traditional sense, but rather a moment to look inward and consider our personal and professional journeys.

This is a moment of reflection—a chance to ask ourselves, "What unfolded this year, and how do I want next year to be different?"

December is a natural checkpoint for most of us, whether we're leading a business or navigating our careers.

It's that time when we naturally ponder the year's events and set our sights on a brighter future. And let's be honest, who doesn't want the next year to be better?

Even if you hit the jackpot this year, there's always room for growth and improvement.

2023, has been a roller coaster for many of us.

We've navigated the remnants of a global pandemic, faced economic challenges, and adapted to changing political landscapes.

Businesses, in particular, have felt the strain, with many having to dip into their reserves just to stay afloat.

We've seen interest rates climb alongside inflation, while petrol prices have yo-yoed, causing further uncertainty.

Elections have come and gone, leaving us to adjust to new leadership and policies.

Domestically and globally, we've been through a lot, from the ongoing war in Ukraine to financial strains worldwide.

But here's the crux of the matter: it's time to stop making excuses.

A crisis can either define us indefinitely or serve as a catalyst for change. The choice is ours.

We can linger in the shadow of challenges past, or we can draw a line in the sand and declare, "This is the new normal. It's time to move forward."

As we've navigated this tumultuous year, we've all had our share of excuses. But those excuses only keep us trapped in a cycle of victimhood, draining our energy and preventing us from reaching our potential.

Instead, we must embrace ownership, accountability, and responsibility.

These are the pillars of a proactive mindset, the foundation upon which we can build a successful future.

As the year draws to a close, I encourage you to take a well-deserved break.

Recharge, spend time with loved ones, and prepare for the year ahead.

But as you do, make a commitment to yourself: No more excuses. Let's take on 2024 with determination and a clear plan of action.

Remember, the point of power is always in the present moment.

Above-the-line behaviors—ownership, accountability, responsibility—are the keys to becoming the victor of your own life.

It's not just about business; it's about every aspect of your life—your relationships, health, and well-being.

Take a hard look at the past year. What are you proud of? What could have been better?

Maybe it's time to reassess those Wednesday fast-food runs or the nightly ice cream habit.

We all have the same hours in a day; it's up to us to use them wisely.

As you set your sights on 2024, put your goals on paper.

A goal without a plan is just a dream, and failing to plan is planning to fail. So, let's not be dreamers. Let's be doers.

Here's to a fantastic year ahead. Let's draw that line in the sand, take action, and make 2024 a year to remember.

It's time to crush those goals and achieve your best year yet!

Until next time, keep taking action!

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